How do I find out if something is illegal in Arizona?


You can read the criminal code here:


Other infractions of the law appear throughout the statutes. The Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) is organized by subject. You can read the headings here: Click on the blue Titles to read the provisions related to your issue.


Although this in not a comprehensive list of illegal conduct, people frequently search the following areas:


Alcoholic beverages, Title 4:

                                Regulations and Prohibitions start at A.R.S. 4-201.

        A.R.S. 4-241 prohibits selling or giving liquor to an underage person


Child safety, Title 8:

                                A.R.S. 8-201 includes many definitions that apply to all of Title 8.  

                                Many of the child safety provisions are set out in the Arizona Administrative Code, Title 21: 



Professions and Occupations, Title 32:

                                 Search the Chapters to find professions and occupations that require a license.

                                 Regulations are in the Arizona Administrative Code, Title 4:


Taxation, Title 42:

                                Collection and Enforcement starts at A.R.S. 42-18001


Tobacco is regulated in multiple statutes.

                                A.R.S. 13-3622. Furnishing tobacco, vapor product, or paraphernalia to minor

                                A.R.S. 36-601.01 is the smoke-free Arizona act.

                    A.R.S. 36-798 and the following provisions govern tobacco sales


Welfare, Title 46:

                                Child Support Obligations provisions start at A.R.S. 46-801

                    Adult Protective Services starts at A.R.S. 46-451

                    Identification cards are governed by A.R.S. 46-601 at the following sections

  • Last Updated Aug 02, 2019
  • Views 286
  • Answered By Peter Grant

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