Reading Arizona and Boundless

Guide to accessing Reading Arizona eBooks using the Boundless platform. 


Account Setup 

  1. Go to Reading Arizona and click Login in the upper right corner.
  2. Click on the link next to "Don't have a user name? Click here."
  3. Enter the name of the state in which you reside (Note: Due to licensing restrictions, Reading Arizona is only available to residents of the state of Arizona).
  4. Complete the webform to create an account.

Reading Arizona Account Creation



Download the app

  1. Get the free Boundless app for your tablet or smartphone from your app store. The app works on iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire devices. 
  2. Open the Boundless app. Select your city and state, or search for Reading Arizona. 
  3. Sign in with user ID and password. 
  4. Click on a title to check it out or place a hold. 
  5. Once checked out, click on the hamburger menu (the horizontal lines) and go to My Shelf. Click on the title you would like to read or listen and it will load. 

NOTE: You may access Reading Arizona eBooks from a web browser on your computer. After checking out items, click on the hamburger menu (the horizontal lines) and go to My Shelf. Click on the title you like to read or listen to and it will load. 

Using the Boundless on the web 


Using the Boundless app 

Checking Out

*Find the title you wish to check out and then tap the Checkout button. Once checked out, click on the hamburger menu (the horizontal lines) and go to My Shelf. Click on the title you would like to read or listen and it will load. The checkout period is 14 days by default.

*A title with a Waitlist banner means that it is checked out, but you may place a hold on it. Simply click on the title and click on Place Hold. If you provided your email address when you signed up, you will receive an email notification when the title is available. (If you did not provide your email address and would like to now, click on your user image and go to Profile Settings.) 

How long is the lending period for an eBook?

The default lending period is 14 days. 

How many eBooks can I check out at once?

You can check out up to 3 titles at one time.

Can I check out eBooks for my Kindle Paperwhite or Voyage?

No, eBooks checked out from Boundless cannot be accessed on a Kindle eReader, such as Paperwhite or Voyage. 

Will you be adding more eBooks to the collection?

We will continue to add new Arizona related eBooks and eAudiobooks to the collection. 

Placing Holds

Find the title you wish to reserve and click tap the Place hold button and confirm. You will be notified by email when the title is available to check out. If you would like to update your email address, click on your user image and go to Profile Settings.

How many holds can I place at one time?

You can place up to 3 holds in Boundless. 

What do I do when I receive notice that my hold is ready?

Be sure to read the instructions given in the email. Go to the link provided in the email and proceed to check out the item. You have 72 hours to check out your hold before it expires and is given to the next patron on the holds list.

I clicked on the link in the email notification to retrieve my hold, but it doesn't appear under "My Shelf." What happened?

Make sure you have signed into the correct Boundless account if you have different user accounts in your household. 

If it’s an eBook, why is there a waitlist to check it out?

This is the model publishers negotiated with most eBook vendors so that libraries can provide access to eBooks. As a result, borrowing eBooks is similar to checking out physical books – one copy at a time per patron. If another patron has already checked out an eBook, you may put a hold on it.

Renewing a Title

Items may be renewed for 2 additional weeks. If an item has a hold on it, you will not be able to renew it. The option to review a title is available two days before it is due. 

Click on the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) on the screen and go to Checkouts. Decide which title you would like to renew and click on the three dot menu just underneath the cover title. Click on Renew and confirm to renew your title.

Another option is to search for the title through the homepage/home screen. Once you find the title, click on it to view additional details. New to the Read or Listen button is a carrot menu. Click on the carrot menu. Click on Renew and confirm to renew your title.

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Returning Titles Early

Although it's not necessary to return your title early, you may return it if you like. Otherwise, the title will be returned automatically at the end of the loan period. 

Click on the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) on the screen and go to My Shelf and then click on Checkouts. Decide which title you would like to return early and click on the three dot menu just underneath the cover title. Click on Return and confirm to return your title.

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Technical Requirements

What devices can I use to read Boundless eBooks?

Most devices running an operating system that allows the Boundless application to install onto it should work. For additional details, see the chart below or visit the Boundless FAQ pageNOTE: e-Ink devices, such as Kindle and Nook, are not compatible with Boundless. 

Is there an Boundless app?

Yes. The app is available for Android devices running 4.0 or later, iOS devices running iOS 7 or later, and Kindle Fire tablets.

Do I need BLIO or Adobe Digital Editions to read Boundless eBooks?

No. You no longer need BLIO or Adobe Digital Editions to use Boundless. Download the all-in-one app to read eBooks from Boundless.

Help Topics

My title won't load after downloading. What's wrong?

Downloading a title is best used when using the Boundless app on your smartphone or tablet. If you would like to access your title without an internet connection on your desktop or laptop, click here for instructions. 

If your title doesn't load on the Boundless app, try logging out of the app and logging back in. You could also try uninstalling the app and reinstalling it, or returning the item and checking it out again, if no one else is waiting for it. If the problem continues, submit an help request

Where can I find more help topics?

For more details on checking out and downloading Boundless titles, visit the Boundless Help page.

Who do I contact if I have a question or problem?

For the quickest response, please use our online help form and include as many details as possible regarding the issue you are experiencing. If it is a technical problem, please include any error messages you received and details about your computer (e.g., Mac/PC, operating system, version of browser used, etc.) You may also ask for help from a librarian at your local library.


  • Last Updated Sep 30, 2024
  • Views 5022
  • Answered By Library Development Administrator

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